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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Abundo Finally Assumes Viga Mayor Post

Mayor Abelardo Abundo Sr. had finally assumed his post as Viga Mayor yesterday, December 13, 2005 by issuing a memorandum order to all municipal employees informing them of his formal assumption to office by virtue of an Oath of Office administered by the RTC.

It is recalled that in a judicial decision on the petition for recount of the results of the last local election by Mayor Abundo, the RTC adjudged the petitioner as the duly elected mayor of Viga through a process called judicial revision of individual ballots where many were set aside as "marked ballots" that reduced the total votes of Jose"Siksik" Torres. Abundo had 109 more votes than him.

The assumption to office yesterday was peaceful but Torres refused to acknowledge and vacate the office of the Mayor. He now sleeps, eats and lives there afraid to go out as he may not find his way back to "his former office".

In a show of magnanimity, Mayor Abundo had not forced his way into the mayor's office. His act was appreciated by many as gentlemanly and professional giving time to Siksik to awaken to reality.

The Sangguniang Bayan had recognized Abundo as the legal Mayor. In fact, Mayor Abundo is being accomodated by the Sangguniang Bayan in their offices meantime that Siksik has still not come to terms in the reversal of roles.

Finally, the rightful mayor sits!


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