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Tuesday, November 29, 2005


(contributed by ALVIS)


With Christmas fast approaching, several enterprising crooks at the NAIA have cooked up another easy money scheme to fund their Christmas shopping. A bullet or two is slipped inside bags with outside zippers and so when the poor sod claims his luggage, he is arrested for carrying an "accessory to a dangerous weapon".

But the story does not end with him in some airport detention room, no, he is carted to the Pasay police station where he has to spend the night alongside recidivists (habitual criminals) and other scums of the earth. And the place ain't no Hilton either. After 12 hours or so inside the slammer, feelers will be sent to see if he's willing to settle the case for a measly sum of 60k, that is, 60k EACH for the judge and whoever else wants to milk him dry. A little bit of haggling occurs and voila, he's a free man once again.

The above situation really happened but in real life, the bullet wasn't found in some man's luggage, it was "discovered" in a 75 year old woman's bag. And the 75 year old woman had to be carried out of the jail cell after she agreed to pay settle with the law enforcement officers. She was carried out because she could barely walk after spending the night in the cramped and stinky jail cell.

The 75 year old woman was represented by our pediatrician's lawyer husband who again had to represent her after the NAIA official found another bullet in her luggage on her way back to the US. Oh well, maybe the lola really was a terrorist or perhaps she just became a juicier target because the crooks already knew that she was willing to settle.

You decide.

Atty. Romero says that this sort of case is the third he's handled in the last few months. No surprise there, for it seems to be a very well-oiled operation and it will probably be implemented more now what with the upcoming barra ge of balikbayans coming home in time for the holidays.

So as not to become a victim, please lock your checked-in luggage, even those outside and side zippers. Or better yet, get one of those hard cases with no zippers or pockets in front or on the side. At least this way, no opportunity will be created for some unscrupulous person to slip in a little extra in your bag and thus create a little extra for himself.


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