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Wednesday, September 14, 2005

How To Login to New Chat Window


  • Pls check that your Browser (IE6/FireFox) is Java/Javascript Enabled by clicking "Tools>Internet Options>Advanced - then Microsoft VM 'checkboxes'
  • Re-Start your computer if OS is Windows 98, if WinXP there's no need to re-start
  • Invoke browser and load this site
  • Click "Float" button in the Chat Window (so that your Chat Applet opens a floating window over the page. This way if you want to browse other pages, you are not unnecessarily logout of the Chat)
  • Type your preferred "username" (please use your real identity as a password tied to it will be activated later) "nickname" and e-mail address. Ex. username - jun_a_mariano, nickname - JunM
  • Click on "Connect" button. You then be taken to our "Channel" - #viganon.
  • Now you can Chat with us.


If you want that you have the "sole ownership" of your "nickname", please register it. Otherwise, other people may be able to impersonate you! While you are logged on and using the nickname you want to OWN:

  • In the open Chat Applet, type "/msg NickServ help" - Help Page will be loaded where all commands are shown, or
  • Type "/msg NickServ register [password] [email addr]", or
  • click on the "commands" dropdown menu in the applet and again click on the "NickServ Panel" then click "Register" in the popup panel.

You may also download a form from the "Nick/Channel" Registration Wizard. Fill-in the fields then click submit. The wizard will do the rest.


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