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Thursday, July 14, 2005


Heartfelt Congratulations to the BSIM 2004.

As you transition from a student to a professional, you are bound to meet some failures because the road to success is rather bumpy. You can never evade it. And so, you must understand what failure is and be equipped to deal with it. Failure is something that makes men humane and compassionate. Failure is a benchmark to becoming a great man. Learn from it. Flourish from it. Consider failure your stepping-stone to success.

Anyone who aims for success must imbibe the principles of right character and possess honesty, patience, loyalty, courtesy, dependability, punctuality, etc. But even having these, is not a guarantee for success. You must first define what success is and understand it. Then, and only then, will you be ready in your journey to “find your place under the sun”. Do consider the following:

First, you must have the right GOAL – your destination. You have to make a plan to reach your destination. Otherwise you will never know you arrived there. You will become a victim of circumstance rather than having chosen the circumstance of where you are.

Second, you must have the right PREPARATION – education and training. How can you expect to reach your goal without the know-how? We are not like the carabaos that after a few minutes from being born, already know how to find the mother’s milk. Your college degree may not be enough.

Third, you must have GOOD HEALTH. How can you expect to overcome obstacles and competition if you are not healthy? You will not be able to sustain competition if you are weak in body. Out there is a “war” to land a job.

Fourth, you must have DRIVE. After all, success is accomplishment. Accomplishment is Doing. Some say an old dead fish can float downstream. But can it swim upstream? Can it compete? You must constantly prod yourself to perform and accomplish. Half-hearted effort might carry one a little way toward a goal, but it will not carry one far enough to reach it. “I want to win” attitude must be in your system.

Fifth, you must have RESOURCEFULNESS – in case of emergencies. Life is really hard and full of obstacles that tend to slow you down or completely block you from reaching your goal. You must have clear thinking, calm nerves and sound reasoning You need to cultivate the ability, and the habit, of remaining unexcited, yet leaping to action on high tension, reaching the right decision and acting on it.

Sixth, you must have PERSEVERANCE – the will to go on. Stick to your goal and make it happen. Don’t be a quitter.

And above all, one must believe and have faith in GOD from whom all things emanate.

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