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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

If an Asteroid Hit Earth

Getting a haircut - try it this way!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

"Maybe You're RIGHT!"

This phrase is highly effective in diffusing an argument and restoring frayed emotions. The flip side to "maybe your right" is the humility of admitting, "Maybe I'm wrong". Let's face it. When you have a heated argument with someone, all you do is cement the other person's point of view. They, or you, will not change their stance and you run the risk of seriously damaging the relationship between you. Saying "maybe you're right" can open the door to further explore the subject, in which you may then have the opportunity to get your view across in a more rational manner.

"I'll Be THERE!"

If you have ever had to call a friend in the middle of the night, to take a sick child to hospital, or when your car has broken down some miles from home, you will know how good it feels to hear the phrase "I'll be there." Being there for another person is the greatest gift we can give. When we are truly present for other people, important things happen to them and us. We are renewed in love and friendship. We are restored emotionally and spiritually. Being there is at the very core of civility.

Sunday, January 21, 2007


With Our Deepest Sympathies,

As we pray with you that your dearly Beloved ( Engr. MARINO USERO-UBALDE) who joined our CREATOR early this morning may rest in peace.

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